Monday, January 5, 2009

Winter break experiences and New years resolutions

I had so much fun over the break. First of all it was already good waken up to weeks in a row in the middle of the day at like one or two. Then i didnt have to wear uniform. I could go outside. Stay out all night spend the night over who ever house house i wanted and have so much fun. Went to a couple of parties danced almost fought it was crazy. I didnt go to church althought i needed to cause i did sin alot. New years eve and day got drunk with friends and family. Spent time with the people i care about the most got cute clothes and a lot more stuff for christmas. Over all i had a real nice time. One of my new years resolutions was to put myself first and my happiness before anyone else. I didnt use to do that because i was crazy and i use to get mad cause it would piss me off when i did.My other new years resolution was to not take any crap from anyone. Don't bite my tounge in other words. Cause if i don't say what i want it bottles up and then i loose control of my emotions and the only emotion that comes out is anger which is not good.

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